"Thanks for dropping by! Her Korean Things love to share K-Happiness with everyone through blogging down her encounters with anything Korean in her life. This is a place where stories go personal and the Kpop fanatic writer tend to relate most of her food, travel, concert, language, drama, songs, critics and whatever articles to anything Kpop! Feel free to read more about Her Korean Things here!"

Monday 24 June 2013

Korean Vocab #14 : Henry Wants To Be Free!

Who's in love with Henry's new song? I am! For the very fact that he played the piano himself haha. From the first day he held the violin in SuJu's MV till now, he has never stop improving.

자유롭고 싶어 ja-yoo-rob-go ship-eo: I want to be free

Breaking it down:
자유롭다 ja-yoo-rob-da:  To be free, to not be restrained. It comes from the chinese word 自由(zi you) which meant free.
-고 싶어 -go shipeo: Want to -- . This is one power phrase I love to use. If you want to do anything, just add this behind a verb.

Other tips:
Some simple -고 싶어 -go shipeo phrase that you can use in your daily life:
  1. 가고싶어 ka-go ship-eo: I want to go.
  2. 보고싶어 po-go ship-eo: I want to see/I miss you
  3. 먹고싶어 mog-go ship-eo: I want to eat
  4. 자고싶어 ja-go ship-eo: I want to sleep
  5. 듣고싶어 deut-go ship-eo: I want to listen
  6. 공부하고 싶어 kong-bu-ha-go ship-eo: I want to study
  7. 운동하고 싶어 oon-dong-ha-go ship-eo: I want to exercise
Her Korean Things Says:
I think many people wants to be free. To be free from problems, pain, hardships, relationship headaches etc. No great things come in free and easy. You have to work hard for it. But, not everything that is painful hardship might be something that's worthwhile. Some people gets trapped in the realm of holding onto something they can never get. The question we should ask ourselves sometimes is - is this battle worth fighting for, even if you lose?

Anyway, please support Henry, because he is fighting a battle that is definitely worth fighting for :)

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