"Thanks for dropping by! Her Korean Things love to share K-Happiness with everyone through blogging down her encounters with anything Korean in her life. This is a place where stories go personal and the Kpop fanatic writer tend to relate most of her food, travel, concert, language, drama, songs, critics and whatever articles to anything Kpop! Feel free to read more about Her Korean Things here!"

Fun Korean

I always believe learning a language should be fun, fun, and more fun! I learn best through comic books, drama, songs & reality TV shows! Can't wait to share what I can with all of you here!

Oh! Best for me to let you know that I rarely go deep down to grammatical explaination and sentence cases. But if you would like to know more, you can email herkoreanthings@gmail.com!

In "Fun Korean" you will be able to pick up some great thing or two when you're listening to a song, watching a drama, or doing the serious stuff - Korean homework. Fun Korean share it via 3 ways:

This Song Taught Me This (TSTMT) - Click to Learn!

Korean Vocab Flash Cards - Click to Learn!
Click specific thumbnails if you would like to enter that page directly! :)