"Thanks for dropping by! Her Korean Things love to share K-Happiness with everyone through blogging down her encounters with anything Korean in her life. This is a place where stories go personal and the Kpop fanatic writer tend to relate most of her food, travel, concert, language, drama, songs, critics and whatever articles to anything Kpop! Feel free to read more about Her Korean Things here!"

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Korean Vocab #6: What Alexander wants to know?

I know I should be completing Super Junior series but this is exceptional! I went for Alexander's Solo Showcase on Sunday and yes I must have a flashcard for him! He's been doing superbly awesome flying solo now and I'm sure there's so many good stuff awaiting him! I believe in believing in your dreams and working hard towards it, Alexander is just one of the many good examples!

Today's Korean Vocab:
그냥 알고싶어 keu-nyang al-go-ship-eo

Breaking it down:
그냥 keu-nyang: Just
알고싶어 al-go-ship-eo: Feel like knowing/Wanna know

This is actually inspired by his new single debut song: "I Just"! Groovy music which starts off with "I Just, Wanna Know". So I thought it would be great if we can say it the Korean way :P This song is simple, not elaborated. But it's that type of song which makes you feel like grooving to its base beat while you are lying on your bed ready to go to sleep. Lastly, it fits Alexander's stage personality totally! Listen to it here!

When to use it?
When someone ask you why you want to know and your answer is "I  just feel like it".
Whenever you wanna know something! Isn't it a handy phrase for all of us? We all love to know something about everything, anything!

Other tips:
그냥 keu-nyang
This phrase also brings out another meaning of "just". It also indicates "so-so".
Can be used as an answer to questions like "how you feel", "what do you think about xxx".

~고싶어 go-ship-eo from 알고싶어 al-go-ship-eo
This phrase actually indicates "I want to [verb]" or "I feel like [verb]-ing"
먹고싶어 meog-go-ship-eo: I want to eat/I feel like eating
자고싶어 cha-go-ship-eo: I want to sleep/I feel like sleeping
쉬고싶어 shwi-go-ship-eo: I want to rest/I feel like resting
가고싶어 ka-go-ship-eo: I want to go/ I feel like going
키스하고싶어 ki-seu-ha-go-ship-eo: I want to kiss you/I feel like kissing you
하고싶어 ha-go-ship-eo: I want to do it/ I feel like doing it
말하고싶어 mar-ha-go-ship-eo: I want to say/I feel like saying..

Her Korean Things says:
Today's Korean Vocab, Alexander shared with us how frustrating it is when we want to know something so badly, especially about the person we fell in love with. So HKT says, just make the first step and ask or tell that person how you feel!!! 화이팅!

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