"Thanks for dropping by! Her Korean Things love to share K-Happiness with everyone through blogging down her encounters with anything Korean in her life. This is a place where stories go personal and the Kpop fanatic writer tend to relate most of her food, travel, concert, language, drama, songs, critics and whatever articles to anything Kpop! Feel free to read more about Her Korean Things here!"

Monday 21 November 2011

Big Bang TOP is Bad, And Girls Love Bad Guys

TOP could be counted as one of the most favourited member among Big Bang fans. No? I heard someone screamed it supposed to be G.D.? Haha, let it be TOP for this post, kay? :) He has that "look-into-my-eyes" look. He has that bad boy look. But that bad boy look, accompanied with his sexy rappo voice, is killer. And girls love it.

나쁜 na-ppeun: Bad
남자 nam-ja: Guy 

나쁜 na-ppeun, is actually in its descriptive form here. It comes from its root word 나빠 na-ppa.

To describe a guy or girl is bad
Bad guy: 나쁜 남자 (na-ppeun  nam-ja)
Bad woman: 나쁜 여자 (na-ppeun yeo-ja)

To say someone is bad
Rue is bad: Rue 나빠 (rue na-ppa)
TOP is bad: Top 오빠 나빠 (Top op-pa na-ppa)

Talking about this, I believe all of us are rather familiar with the phrase na-ppeun nam-ja as it appears it drama and songs before:

Bad Guy Drama

FT Island's Bad Woman 나쁜 여자 (na-ppeun yeo-ja)
At 3.00, you'll noticed Hong Ki sang " 난 나쁜 남자야 (nan na-ppeun nam-ja-ya). It means "I'm a bad guy". 난 (nan) means "I am".

Hope you enjoy it!

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